CrossFitter of the Month – June 2019

Hey Folks!

It’s that time! We get to highlight another of our amazing members! This month we’re excited to recognize someone who is SUPER effective with their use of gym time, as well as the amount of effort they put into it. Between working into heavier and heavier loads, and less and less assistance (to none!) from bands for gymnastics work – the goals just keep coming. Always a pleasure to have in the gym as this person is SO coachable, we’re lucky to have June’s CrossFitter of the Month…


Here are her answers to our questions!

Name: Jana

Age: 40 (as of June!)

Occupation: special education teacher

What was your exercise experience prior to CrossFit?
Running and random things that friends usually invited me to

How long have you been doing CrossFit?
10 months

Why do you choose to CrossFit?
Because it’s fun and it’s hard and I’m actually getting stronger and my arms are starting to look really good!

What is your favourite part about CrossFit?
It was the workouts but now it’s the people. And the A+ coaching. I can’t imagine doing what I do on my own.

What are the accomplishments you are proud of? (CrossFit or non CrossFit related)
My pull-up… it’s the first fitness goal I really had to work for and got.

Favourite workout or lift?
Box jumps, kettlebell swings, pistols, sumo deadlifts… I keep coming back and adding to this list.

Anything else you would like to share please feel free ☺
I really do love how crazy CrossFit can be. Some of the warmups are full-fledged workouts for many folks. Guys, seriously, we climb ropes. We try to do pushups on our heads. We combine Olympic lifts, gymnastics, and sprinting in the same workout, and time ourselves! I’m watching Jessica Jones right now and her sister just became a superhero. There’s this part where she tests out her new powers and jumps up on a picnic table with 2 feet and she gives a look of awe. We are supposed to be amazed at
her powers, but my husband looks over at me and says, “Can’t you do that? Geesh, superheroes are just CrossFitters.”