CrossFitter of the Month – February 2019

Hey Folks!

It’s that time – when we get to highlight another of our awesome members, and show our appreciation for their awesome attitudes, approaches to fitness, and ultimately, their consistency!

This month is no different and we’re stoked to be featuring someone who make a serious effort to improve their health through the way they are training, eating, and recovering. As well as being an awesome role model for trainees, and kids alike.

February 2019’s CrossFitter of the Month is…


Here are his answers to our questions!

Name: Derik McArthur

Age: 47

Occupation: Labour relations & Canadian Forces Army Reserve

What was your exercise experience prior to CrossFit? 

Over the years I participated in a few different activities. For a number of years I was an avid mountain biker. I switched to running to participate in Tough Mudders. More recently I worked out with a strength coach until a CrossFit gym opened where I lived. 

How long have you been doing CrossFit and why do you choose to CrossFit?

 I have been doing CrossFit for about 1.5 years now. After my strength coach relocated I joined the NewTec Crossfit  gym and was instantly hooked. I realized that I could not get the Crossfit type workout at a traditional gym. 

What is your favourite part about CrossFit?

The whole package. The people, the atmosphere, the community and of course the ass-kicking workouts. 

What are the accomplishments you are proud of? (CrossFit or non CrossFit related)

My overall fitness level keeps getting better. This translates into feeling better, overall heath is better and my fitness level is not a barrier to any activities. 

Favourite workout or lift? 

“The Gates”