CrossFitter of the Month – September 2018

Hey Folks!

It’s that time!  We get to highlight yet another amazing member.  This month we’re super stoked to put someone in the spotlight who definitely flies under the radar and is slowly getting “sneaky fit”.  This person has been very consistent and it shows, both in quality of movement as well as improvements in their lifts and progressions.  For September, we are excited to announce our CrossFitter of the Month as…


Here are her answers to our questions:

Name: Shannon Kellestine

Age: 39


I quit my job as an elementary school teacher to be a stay at home mom.  Now that all 4 of our kids are in school, I enjoy spending my spare time making pottery and wooden kitchen utensils.

What was your exercise experience prior to CrossFit? 

Walking.  I had no interest in working out and hated sweating.  I did try CrossFit for a few months a few years ago but wasn’t ready to commit.

How long have you been at CrossFit Sudbury and why do you choose to CrossFit?

I’ve been back at CrossFit for exactly one year.

I started after being encouraged by my husband James.    I was tired and grumpy, talking about needing to get more exercise.  I wanted to join CrossFit again but I thought I was too out of shape to get back into it.  I was unmotivated to do much of anything.  James was finally tired of listening to me talking about joining CrossFit, so he signed me up.  He texted me one morning and told me that I was signed up and Lisa was expecting me at the noon class that day.  I spent the morning buying gym clothes, running shoes and feeling ridiculously nervous.  It ended up being the best gift he has ever given me.

What is your favourite part about CrossFit Sudbury? 

I love everything about CrossFit Sudbury.  I am doing things I never thought were possible in and out of the gym.  The past year has changed my perspective and how I look at challenges in the rest of my life.  CrossFit has truly been a life-changing experience for me.

What are the accomplishments you are proud of? (CrossFit or non CrossFit related)

Seriously, walking through the door was the biggest accomplishment.  I was very nervous and felt like I didn’t belong in a CrossFit gym. Lisa was very helpful and encouraging.  Everyone made me feel very welcomed.
Another big accomplishment that comes to mind is my first handstand.  Thanks Danielle and Andrea for helping me get up for the first time.  It was also super awesome when the whole gym stopped to watch me and cheer when I was able to do it on my own for the first time.  I really don’t like being the centre of attention but it was nice to feel the support from everyone.
I am also so proud of the family James and I have created.  We have been married for 13 years and are happier than ever.  3 out of 4 of our kids are also doing CrossFit.  It is nice to have something we are all enjoying and often spend time talking about our workouts.

Favourite workout or lift? 

My favourite lift is a power clean.  My favourite workout is Annie.  I always think it’s quick and easy.  I am always proven wrong.

Anything else you would like to share please feel free 🙂 

I’d like to thank the 7am class for being great!  It is a small quiet group but I wouldn’t want to start my day any other way!!  I believe that EVERYONE should do CrossFit, The world would be a better, happier, healthier place!
Thanks to the coaches and everyone else for being so welcoming and positive!