CrossFitter of the Month – June 2018

Hey Folks!

It’s everyone’s favourite time of month!  We get the enjoyment of highlighting another of our amazing members!  This month is yet another example of priorities and consistency.  This person could have all sorts of excuses that many of us use all the time (or at least that we hear from folks hesitant to come join the party), but that doesn’t stop them from prioritizing their health, and their ability to be a great role model.  This June, we’re stoked to feature…


Here are his questions to our questions 🙂

Name: Tim Richards

Age: 32

Occupation: Dentist

What was your exercise experience prior to CrossFit?

Most of my exercise prior to CrossFit consisted of running-based activities – I have been cross country running as well as playing Ultimate Frisbee since

high school.  I always enjoyed the challenge of cardiovascular exercise. Apart from that, I didn’t have much in the way of organized exercise – just getting outside for hikes, outdoor activities and walking/running with my dog, Remmy.

How long have you been doing CrossFit and why do you choose our Facility?

The past several years my life has seen many changes – graduating from dental school, starting a career, as well as a family with my beautiful wife, Vanessa. As my kids (we have 4 of them) continued to grow, I started to notice how heavy they were feeling. I was also noticing more aches and pains due to the nature of my work. I decided that I should add some strength training into my fitness routine, and in October 2016 I joined CrossFit. I have stuck with it because of the noticeable improvements – I feel stronger, more flexible, and the only aches and pains I have now are from working out, rather than from poor posture. I don’t mind those aches as they mean I am getting stronger!

What is your favourite part about CrossFit?

Apart from all the wonderful people I have met, I really appreciate the knowledge and input from the coaches and staff at CrossFit. Life is busy, so it is nice to show up and have a well-planned workout ready to go. Having someone to give you pointers on technique and to ensure you are using proper form has been invaluable for someone like me who has had little to no experience with weight training.

What are the accomplishments you are proud of? (CrossFit or non-CrossFit related)

Seeing myself progress and build strength – working up from a modified movement to a full movement as you improve is very encouraging. I was super pumped when I was finally able to string together 10 pull-ups!

In my personal life, I am most proud of the relationship with my wife and my 4 kids. They are the reason for all that I do, and they bring me so much joy and happiness. It was also pretty cool to finish dental school and be able to work and build relationships with all the wonderful people I have met here in Sudbury!


Favourite workout or lift?

Pull-ups are always a favourite of mine, as there always seems to be room for improvement. I also enjoy workouts that include running, as running is about the one thing that comes naturally for me!

Anything else you would like to share please feel free

Keeping regular attendance at the gym has been a challenge, as my life was already full of stuff before I joined. It has been an incredibly rewarding experience. I would advise anyone considering getting more active to just get out there and do it. You will be surprised at what your body is capable of with just a bit of consistent effort!