CrossFit Sudbury – 10072018 – Marshmallows

Hey Folks!

Great work today – it was nice to have a shorter workout, even though it meant the intensity went up a bit.  Hopefully your thumbs survived – I know mine were sore for a few hours after I finished working out. Gotta toughen up my thumbs!

It’s supposed to be awesome for a little while in suds – hopefully you guys like the heat!  We got enough cold, so let’s soak it up and enjoy it as much as we can (even if you’re tired of sweating).

I’m just sorting out the options I want to offer with the BIA machine (body composition) – I’m thinking a “1-off” price (of course), and then some options for every 6, 3 or even 2 months?  Steph had a great question/comment – once we know our information, how do we go about changing it?  Well that’s kind of the whole reason I bought it.  Sudbury needed something that could measure reliably the body composition of folks, and then it’ll be a great way to measure progress!  Coincidentally, I’ve spent a lot of years learning how to help folks live a life that promotes health, performance and longevity 😉  so I want to sandwich the tests in with some coaching for folks who are interested in that.  Let me know if you’re interested that way and I’ll be in touch.  For folks that have already worked with me on their nutrition, I’ll be reaching out to set up a time to scan you guys 🙂

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-2atkwl’]

Coaches Notes:

Plan your pull ups in a way that means you don’t end up doing singles at the end.  don’t blow your brains out on the row.  For busy classes, some folks can do the burpees/run before the row if they’d like.

Conditioning – “Marshmallows”

3 rounds for time:
row 750 m
25 burpees (OR Run 600m [scale up to 800m])
25 pull ups (Scale up: C2B)
Rest 2 minutes between sets