Monday, June 17th, 2013

Hey Folks!

For those who came in this weekend – I salute you, that was a wicked WOD.  I was lucky to have Mandie carry me through it!

THIS Thursday – Kristin (a Registered Physiotherapist) is doing the first lecture in our Mobility Series on The Shoulder.  It’ll start at 8pm and likely run until 9pm.  It will be mostly lecture based with time for discussion.

Warm up

2 Rounds – 10 spiderman lunges, 10 inch worms, 10 dislocates, 10 overhead squats (with PVC)

With smaller warm up sets, work up to:
Back Squat 20 reps. MAXIMUM 3 attempts (at 20 reps). I would shoot for 2.

10 Minute AMRAP:
10 Ring Rows
20 slam balls
30 second plank

Stretch – Shoulders & Quads
Foam Roll – T-spine

See you in the gym!
The CrossFit Sudbury Team