Monday, February 11th, 2013

Hey Folks!

Great work this weekend – The WODs were both the type of workout that looks easier on the whiteboard.  You guys did great though!

Lisa, Alicia, Caz and Lucas are on their way back home after an awesome cert (which I heard Camille was at… lucky).  So we’ve got some newly certified CrossFit Trainers at CF Suds!  Yesssss.

The open is ust over 3 weeks away.  Let’s buckle down and train hard, and more importantly, train smart!  Make sure you’re stretching, foam rolling and eating well for recovery.

Warm up

2 Rounds – 10 Spiderman lunges, 5 jumping squats, 5 Presses (empty bar), 10 band pulls

Back Squat 3×3  @85%

10 Minute AMRAP:
10 Overhead walking lunges
10 Toes to bar

Stretch – Glutes, Quads & T-Spine