Tuesday, October 16th, 2012

Hey Folks!

Great work on the WOD today – Remember to stay tight through the core when doing pretty much everything, especially deadlifts!  Some soreness in your low back is acceptable as the muscles responsible for keeping your low back arched get stronger – but a lot of pain is a bad thing (duh) and if that’s what you’re experiencing then we need to address how you’re moving before you put weight back on the bar.

Keep up the great work!

The awesome anniversary WOD will be pushed back to Saturday after which we’ll go somewhere for some BBQ and wobbly pops!  Keep an eye out for a beauty.  It might take a while.

UG Series from Dan Rodo on Vimeo.

Warm up

Back Squat
5 sets of 3 @ 85% of your max
* 2 Minutes rest between each set

4 Rounds for total reps, 1 minute at each station (30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest):
Hang Power Snatch
Double unders

Stretch – Pecs & T-spine

See you in the gym!
Adam & Drew