CrossFit Sudbury – 26052017 – Get down with the Fitness

Hey Friends!

The last day before the Battle begins!  Probably a good day to work on some skills, as well as to do some recovery stuff/mobility work.  Visualize.  Eat some good food.  Drink lots of water.  etc. etc.  It’s going to be a super fun day on Saturday.

Don’t forget – after party at the Laughing Buddha for beverages and great food after the battle.  We’ve made some reservations, and the more the merrier 🙂

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Coaches Notes:

Skill and symmetry work to start out.  We always want to focus on quality, and this is especially true when we have our skill sessions.  It might mean slowing down, or going lighter.  But practicing quality is what prevents injury, shores up weaknesses, strengthens our stabilizing muscles, and all sorts of other great stuff.  Don’t neglect it just because you think it isn’t sexy.  You know what isn’t sexy?  being unwilling to challenge yourself to things you “can’t” do.  On the WOD – it’s going to tax the lungs for sure.  Make sure you warm up your calves – roll them out, do the foot drills, do some cocky-walking (hoping on toes and pull them up) and whatever you’d like to prepare the lower legs for all that hopping.


Every 1.5 Minutes for 5 Rounds:
1 SLOW Wall Walk (take SMALL steps)
3 KB Snatch R arm
3 Single arm overhead Squat R arm
3 KB Snatch L arm
3 Single arm overhead Squat L arm

Metcon – Get down with the Fitness:

16 Minute AMRAP:
12 Wall Ball (to a higher target)
24 Sit ups
48 Double Unders