CrossFit Sudbury – 27012017 – Segmented Thruster AMRAP

Hey Friends!

I hope all loved the WOD – Ryan J had a pretty epic seated box jump, and I’m willing to bet there were lots of others too.  Something to keep in mind with doing those seated box jumps, is that occasionally I see people doing a little hop before each box jump.  This plays off the elasticity in the achilles tendon and is usually more common in people who have tight calves/ankles/achilles tendons.  It isn’t great for your calves/achilles tendons (as you could have guessed).  So this could be the first step toward using your hips to jump instead of your ankles 🙂

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-3akezb’]

Coaches Notes:

Working up to a heavy Back Squat!  If you’re feeling great, attack that 1RM, if not, just hit a heavy 3 for the day and smile while you do it.  We have been squatting a lot so a PR should be within reason for sure, but you might be beat up/tired from the week of training.  Play it by ear!  Thruster WOD!  The plank will break it up, but it will also tax the shoulders.  Plan a short rest after each round to collect yourself for the next round.  It’s only 8 minutes so don’t “waste” too much time.


Spend 12 Minutes working up to a new 1RM OR 3RM Back Squat (heavy 3 reps if you don’t feel like maxing out)

Metcon – Segmented Thruster AMRAP:

8 Minute AMRAP:
4 Front Squats (115/73)
4 Thrusters
4 Push Press
20 second plank