CrossFit Sudbury – 27092016 – “Zebraforce”

Hey Friends!

Killer WOD!  Airdyne got me, and the sit ups kinda took away your core for the rope climbs.  Lots of fun though!  For those who have been killing it for a while now, make sure you’re recovering hard too – sleep is the most important, followed by hydration, fish oil, mobility, and general stress relief (meditation, mindfulness, time spent with family/friends away from “entertainment”, etc.).  Get out in nature for some walks while the leaves are turning over the next month or so before the snow flies.

For those who haven’t been killing it – keep having fun!  Get the movement into your joints, into your tissues, and get that blood flowing.  Having fun is the whole point to our gym, because then you accidentally get fit at the same time.  It isn’t easy to not care (as much) about the weight on the bar or the time on the clock, but consistency pays off in the long run WAY better than a quick “flash in the pan”.

For those having fun, but still wanting to be competitive (say, for the open) – it’s time to address your weaknesses and create a plan of attack to shore them up.  Talk to your coach about building your plan. 🙂

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Every Minute for 10 Minutes:
ODD Minutes – Farmers Carry with two different weights, switching hands at the 30 second mark (use the KBs and DBs)
EVEN Minutes – 1 Clean & 3 Jerks @70%

Metcon – “Zebraforce”:

3 Rounds for total Thrusters:
3 Minutes to complete:
80 Double Unders
40 Slam Balls (30/20/10)
AMRAP Thrusters (95/63/45)
—–1 Minute of rest between rounds—–