CrossFit Sudbury – 09092016 – the return of “Emeril Lagasse”

Hey Friends!

How was AC/DT?  There were a lot of *almost* 10 rounders – we’re going to insert this WOD again in about 6 weeks and see if you guys can squeek out 10+ rounds next time.

Weekend coming up – Saturday, Lulu Lemon is taking over the newer side of the gym so we’ll be doing a bit of an outdoor/indoor WOD if possible.  Sorry for the lack of space, but if we all play nice with each other it’ll still be an awesome WOD/day 🙂

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-bo8nx’]


Every Minute for up to 10 Minutes:
30 second plank
10 Slam Balls (30/20)

*once you fail a plank or miss the time cap of the minute, you’re done.

Metcon – “Emeril Lagasse”

For time:
20 Front Squats @40%
800m Run
1 Minute Rest
20 Front Squats @40%
800m Run

Compare to June 28th, 2016