CrossFit Sudbury – 12082016 – “Triceps Brachii”

Hey Friends!

20 rep max in the book – now that THAT’s out of the way we don’t have to do it again for a while.  Maybe next year.  Sounds like we’re going to be getting a little piece of rain on Friday – which would be nice (though maybe a bit more welcome during the week instead of the “weekend”).

Testing a bit more pulling today (friday) with some weighted chins and bar muscle ups in the WOD.  This WOD is kind of like a less complicated version of “Amanda”.  Use those legs as much as possible on the Push Jerks by dropping under to lock the bar out instead of pressing it up further.  Same with the Bar MUs – pop that hip hard and get as high as you can.

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-9qkwh’]


Every 2 Minutes for 10 Minutes:
5 Chin ups
10 Hollow Rocks


For Time:
9-7-5 Bar Muscle ups (sub 15-11-7 Ring Rows + Push ups)
21-15-9 Push Jerk (125/85/55)