CrossFit Sudbury – 08082016 – “Elizabeth”

Hey Friends!

How was the weekend?  New favourite?  That 1 round sled push wasn’t as easy as it sounded, but was great for intensity and a bit of a beat down on the legs.  Todays stuff sounded awesome, but sadly I didn’t make it in – I went for a nice walk with the Gavster and Lucky instead.

This week is going to be a beauty – Make sure you’re scaling things as needed to maintain intensity on the WODs.  It’s finding that nice balance between challenging yourself, and also making sure you get a decent workout too (i.e. a 15 Minute long Fran is not the point of doing Fran, and it’d be a better workout with lighter weights/modified movements)

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Catch the clean and stay in the bottom for 3 seconds before standing it up.
Every 30 seconds for 10 Minutes @65%

Metcon – “Elizabeth”:

For time:
21-15-9 reps
Clean 135/95#
Ring Dips

Make a note of whether or not you do Power or full cleans. The oldschool way is with full cleans, seems now it’s all power cleans.