CrossFit Sudbury – 02072016

Hey Friends!

Hope you all had an awesome long weekend – a day off on Monday, means awesome training on Tuesday!  The weather is supposed to continue to be awesome, so let’s enjoy every minute of it!

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Every 2 Minutes for 10 Minutes:
5 Back Squats @65%
30 second L-sit (broken up with rest, as needed) – try to do this as an L-sit (on dip bars, rings, or boxes), not an L-hang.

Metcon – “Al’s Revenge”:

4 Rounds for time:
15 Wall Ball (20/14/10)
15 Pull Ups
15 Box Jumps (24/20/16)

Once you’re finished the WOD with time still running…
500m Row.

Take note of your rowing time and your total WOD time. Make sure to set the rower to count down.