CrossFit Sudbury – Training – 01042015

Hey Folks!

Another month of 2015 is in the books.  Pretty crazy that we’re already 1/4 the way through 2015 right?

The Overhead single arm squats were fairly awkward, but imagine how much easier it will be to stabilize when you can hold a bar with BOTH hands 🙂

Keep up the great work in the gym – this week is more development, some hip extension work and a whole lot of leg work.  Next week we’ll be retesting our 3 Minute EMOM for the Snatch and Clean and Jerk.  While we very well may have improved peoples 1RM for each of these lifts – we’re more interested in knowing you can lift more at a higher percentage of your 1RM consistently.  That you’re more comfortable in some of those uncomfortable places, and feeling stronger and more stable.

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Warm up for Front Squats, etc.
2 Rounds:
10 Reverse Dislocates + weighted
10 Goblet squats + 10 Russian KB swings
10 Pull aparts


Health – Front Squat & Deadlift – 2×5
Front Squat 2×5

Deadlift 2×5

*Try to add weight to last weeks lifts, unless you felt weak, then stay the same 🙂


Snatch Grip Deadlift EMOM
Every 2 Minutes for 10 Minutes:
3 Snatch Grip Deadlifts @110% of your max Snatch
*MAINTAIN YOUR POSITIONING – Chest and Hips should come up together as you sweep the bar back into your thighs. You shouldn’t hit yourself in the knees, if you do, start with the bar an inch away from your shins.


Superfun Wall Ball/Pull up WOD
4 Rounds for time:
15 Wall Ball (20/14)
15 Pull ups (scale up to chest to bar if possible)


Hinge-centric Cool Down
Foam Roll – Hamstrings, Calves, T-Spine, Glutes
Stretch – Hamstrings, Calves, Pecs, Forearms
See you in the gym!
The CrossFit Sudbury Team