Friday, February 8th, 2013

Hey Folks!

So that WOD was all sorts of fun. Crazy how some wods with 200 reps only take 10 minutes and others take 20. 80 Burpees is a challenge regardless.

OK – so THIS weekend Lisa, Caz, Lucas and Alicia go to get their Level 1 certificates. Once again, happy Franning guys! And travel safe down there. If you find yourself in a bind and need anything, let me know, my family is right around the corner in Mississauga.

Renos at the gym start this weekend – I’ll let you guys know when/if we need a hand. Probably when we do the final move with all the equipment – anyone with a vehicle that can carry things will be welcome to help – then we’ll christen the gym with some Norcal Margaritas 🙂

Warm up

2 Rounds – 10 good mornings, 10 lunges, 30 second squat hold, 30 second hollow rock, 30 second T-spine stretch

Deadlift 3×3 @80%

4 Minute AMRAP
4 Handstand Push ups (from a deficit, if you’re able)
8 Kettle bell swings (heavy, russian)

1 Minute rest

4 Minute AMRAP:
8 Wall ball
12 Slam ball

Stretch – Lats/Rhomboids, Glutes, Quads & Hamstrings

See you in the gym!
Adam, Eric and Katie