Thursday, January 3rd, 2013

Hey Folks!

Great work on “Cindy” today – Feel free to go though some arm circles and pec stretches throughout the next couple days to try to stay loose.

It’s day 2/3 of the Paleo 30 day challenge.  I’m feeling more energetic and less gassy already.  It’s always so easy to slowly slide into eating pseudo-paleo foods and bending the rules a bit too much eh?

Training continues!  Make sure to bring in your friends & family for a workout!  Let them know the reality.  Many people are “waiting until they’re in shape” to come to CrossFit, but this is counter productive.  CrossFit is designed for everyone from grandmothers up to elite athletes.  Most people doing CrossFit, worldwide, belong somewhere closer to the grandmother category along that continuum.  Remember, it doesn’t matter where you start, so long as you’re pointed in the right direction!

Also, with regard to the Paleo challenge – if you’ve got questions:

  • Want help doing a true reset
  • Want to lose weight
  • Want to gain weight
  • Have serious symptoms you want to address
  • Have an upcoming surgery
  • Have an upcoming athletic event

Let me know and I can help you out more formally – if you’d like.  I don’t mind giving out a fair amount of info for free, but for more specific and personalized care, it takes up more of my time for researching and providing those recommendations – let me know if I can help you out!

Warm up

2 Rounds – 10 dislocates, 10 reverse dislocates, 10 push up plus, 10 spiderman Lunges, 10 second superman hold

Snatch 2-2-2-2-2

Row 500m for time and then…
10 minute AMRAP:
30 Double Unders
10 Burpee Box Jumps

Stretch – Calves & Shoulders

See you in the gym!
Adam, Eric & Katie