Thursday, November 8th, 2012

Hey Folks!

Way to crush extreme on todays WOD – It was a beauty to watch, as usual.  We’re slowly improving shoulder position!  Remember – if you’re getting sore “inside” your shoulder, or in the front… Make sure you listen to your body and rest when needed.  We’re making changes, but they need to be slow and deliberate.

Warm up

Not for time – 2 Rounds:
10 low box jumps
10 presses – Empty bar OR light kettlebells
30 second squat hold

“Ledesma” – 20 Minute AMRAP:
10 toes to bar (I know… I’m sorry.)
15 med ball cleans

Stretch – Pecs & Lats/Rhomboids

See you in the gym!
Adam, Eric & Katie