Monday, October 29th, 2012

Hey Folks!

It was a great farewell WOD for Drew.  I’m in no rush for it to happen again (someone leaving OR doing “The Seven”).  We’re starting a new 6 week program, so pull up your socks and get ready to lift things up and put them back down.  We have time for 2 6 week cycles before the Open season comes into the fray, so let’s get focused and have some fun.

Reminder… We’ve cancelled the morning open gym hours so the new hours are:


  • Classes at 6AM, 7AM, 12Noon, 6PM and 7PM
  • Open gym with Katie from 1PM til 6PM

With the new format we need to be diligent with our rest times.  Each lift should lead into the next, i.e. you can just strip a little weight off the bar and then Front Squat, after having done your cleans.  Pick a rack.  Share a bar if you need to 🙂  It’s far easier to Bro out (or whatever the girl version is…. I think “Bro-ing out” should be considered unisex) when you’re sharing a barbell!

Warm up

5×2 @ 80% *2 Minute rest between sets

Front Squat
3×6 @ 65% * 2 Minutes rest between sets

3 Rounds for time:
15 Clapping push ups (scaled to “normal” push ups)
15 Wall ball
rest 30 seconds

Stretch – Glutes & T-Spine

See you in the gym!
Adam, Eric & Katie!