Monday, July 9th, 2012

Hey Folks!


I hope you all had a great weekend – it was a reeeeaaal beauty. So… some important info:

1. I’m on vacation starting tomorrow night – Kristin is amazing and is taking us to the CrossFit Games as my birthday present
2. Drew is running the gym still
3. Mike Laporte will be helping out with coaching classes. Whether Drew or Mike is there will be your surprise!
4. I may or may not be posting the wods ahead of time while I’m gone. Depends how busy/not interested in working I am. Drew will know what the wods are and will have them on the whiteboard at the gym. In the spirit of the games they’ll be “unknown and unknowable”.
5. I’ll miss you guys! Train hard! This is the last week for 3×5 of movements, next week we move onto 3×3

Warm up

Back Squat 3×5 (yet again, heavier than last week)

10 minute AMRAP:
10 wall ball
10 kettlebell swings
10 push ups
10 situps

Stretch – Glutes & Pecs

See you in the gym!
Adam & Drew (& Mike)